Monday, September 22, 2008


1) Recycling is about taking materials from products you have finish using and make a brand new products with them. 2)Recycling is important because it saves energy,reduces rubbish in landfill sites,cuts the cost of waste and disposal and it would cause less pollution in the air. 3)Some various ways in which things can be recycled are :Donate unwanted materials to charity,put recyclable materials like newspapers,plastic bottles, aluminium cans etc.into the recycling bin. 4)Yes i do practice recycling at home. 5) I recycle so that i can save energy as well as money.I recycle by putting recyclable material into the recycling bin,whenever i can. 6)Yes i think the school is doing enough in recycling. 7)The school can put up a competition among all levels,which class have the most recycling material wins a prize. 8)I would tell them recycling is important and they must keep on recycling as it saves energy and reduces rubbish from the earth.

Monday, July 28, 2008

What we did in school during Racial harmony

During Racial harmony our school oraganize a celcbrattion .We had one hour recess and we get to try Indian,chinese,malay and euracusian food.[this is the good news] [bad news]:We still have to study.Lets continue,we watch a skit about ''Ka po''.It was VERY FUNNY.


Monday, May 12, 2008

What i did for my mother on mother's day

A lot of things happen on mother's day.The first thing that happen is my brother and i bought two vases ,of corese with my own saving and my brother's savng!We decorated the vases and kept it till night arrive then we gave her.She was very happy!In the afternoon we had bufect with the church FREE! At night about 6-7 0'clock we had dinner with all my cousins,aunts,uncles and my granmother.Two of my cousin played with the chicken head.At last we finish eating andwent home happily!

Monday, April 21, 2008

earth day

Earth day is very important to us ,we should recycle paper to save the trees .We should not dirty the place and of course we should not take our world for gunted.Without it we will not survive now eg. 1)when u are going short distance use a bike or walk there so there will be less air pollution!2)throw litters in to bins not on the floor.thats all for today. BYE....!

Monday, March 31, 2008

My dreams

My dreams is to get top three. I'm going to try my best to achive my dream .What i'm thinking to do is every day when i get home ,after lunch i will go and revise my work.If i really achive my Dreams ,shh.....[THEN I WON'T GET CANNING FROM MY MOM!]

Monday, February 4, 2008

preparation for chinese new year

I was super exited as chinese new year is around the corner.My family and i was shopping for chinese new year goddies and chinese new year decoration to decorate our house.When we reach home , my father and my brother decorate the house, while i help my mother make some pineappletarts.After finishing decorating and baking, we were exhausted but happy.